Thursday, February 9, 2012

Farewell MovalAdventures!

So I have moved from this blog to this  one. So farewell to MovalAdventures and HELLO Quite Dainty.

Continue to follow on the new blog! This one isn't as fitting anymore since we are no longer in moval.... plus its a fresh start... new home... new blog!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another new best friend...

So my eczema spread to my scalp and a friend from church has been telling me to use sulfate free shampoo. Well I didn't know where to find it until one of the blogs I check daily posted about it!!! Check it out here...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My view on my way home from work... The desert! We are beginning to like it here!

Eczema Update: It is HEALING!!!! Yogurt Mask + Humidifier = Eczema Progress! The inflamation has gone done significantly and I am excited!

Monday, January 23, 2012

face mask

Lately I have been trying to get my eczema under wraps... lately? I know what you are thinking.. more like "haven't you BEEN doing that?" You're right! I have been. Well recently one of my co-workers asked me if I have tried yogurt face masks. I looked it up online and gave it a try... and it is AH-MAY-ZING! Whether you have eczema or not this is worth trying! Ok let me caution you with a gag factor.. so when you open the tub it might not be as pleasant as opening a tub of blueberry or strawberry yogurt. But once it is on your face it smells kinda yucky... like sour milk a little bit. So anywho I washed my face with my Cetaphil face cleanser, then dug my fingers in the yogurt and applied it on my face. I left it on for about 15 minutes. As the yogurt dries it makes your face feel a bit stiff... in my case it was stiff and burning (because of my eczema). Then after 15 minutes rinse your face with warm water. Then pat dry your face and apply your favorite face moisturizer (in my case it is Cetaphil cream). Let me tell you... my face feels soooo good! I plan to add this to my daily regiment! Try it and let me know how it worked out for you!

Monday, January 16, 2012

we are truly enjoying our new home!

Happy New Year!

My apologies for my absence. Truly the hustle and bustle of the holidays plus moving got the best of me. We recently moved to a really nice and quaint apartment. Currently in the midst of the tedious task of unpacking. I am really excited to unpack our office/craft room. I can't wait til that room is up and running and I can get my craft back on! So stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I have a really good friend at church named Irene... She is crafty and one of the few Asian women at our church so we get along! Haha! No she truly is great! I love her to pieces! She is a woman of God, humble, caring, and has been one of my prayer warriors this past year. So one of our shared passions is crafting... I saw her at church wearing a beautiful red scarf and instantly I knew she made it... because it was a well crafted t-shirt scarf... One I actually have not seen. Any who she emailed me her eternity t-shirt scarf and I immediately had to make one and here it is...

Tada! Kuddos to Irene! Thanks for showing me this quick and easy Craft-A-Gift idea!

FYI: The shirt I used was one of my Mission Trip Russia shirts... It is a sentimental possession and I have quite a few. I cut it to where I left the Bible verse on the inside of the scarf, so every time I wear I promised myself that I would pray for Russia!